
Leadership Blog

Creative ideas to provoke your thinking and inspire your teams.
Leadership Blog
The Lapin blog features our latest thinking and responses to issues raised by our clients and community. It’s designed to stimulate thinking, provoke conversation, and catalyze action in fast-changing environments.
August 22, 2019 | ByDavid Lapin

Among the hardest decisions business leaders must make is how to balance the conflicting interests of their companies’ stakeholders. For example, it may be in shareholders’ interests to radically redu…

April 17, 2019 | ByDavid Lapin

The fifth belief that Gallup’s forthcoming book, It’s the Manager, recommends organizations change is: Belief #5: Millennials and Generation Z don’t want a manager who fixates on their weaknesses. I l…

April 17, 2019 | ByDavid Lapin

The sixth and final belief that Gallup’s forthcoming book, It’s the Manager, recommends organizations change is perhaps the most surprising one: Belief #6: For millennials and Generation Z, work “is n…

April 15, 2019 | ByDavid Lapin

In their forthcoming book, It’s the Manager, Gallup recommends that organizations should change six beliefs. In earlier pieces I have addressed the first three. The fourth is: Belief #4: Millennials a…

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February 10, 2019 | ByDavid Lapin

I asked the only woman to have made it to the senior ranks of a leading bank (that today scores high on diversity and inclusion) to what she attributed her success. “I was fortunate,” she said. “The bank hired a coach to teach me how to act and react like…

April 15, 2019 | ByDavid Lapin

In this piece, we expand on the third of six beliefs that organizations should change, according to Gallup’s forthcoming book, It’s the Manager. Belief #3: Millennials and Generation Z don’t want boss…

April 15, 2019 | ByDavid Lapin

In this piece, we expand on the second of six beliefs that organizations should change, according to Gallup’s forthcoming book, It’s the Manager. Belief #2: Millennials and Generation Z are no longer…

April 15, 2019 | ByDavid Lapin

To succeed in 2019, you need to change six beliefs about young talent. This is according to the Gallup organization in its forthcoming book, It’s the Manager. In this piece, the first of six, we’ll ex…

March 18, 2019 | ByDavid Lapin

When leading others, you can improve your chances of success if you clarify whether what you are asking of them is a value or a strategy. Sometimes you do things because you believe they are the right…

March 15, 2019 | ByDavid Lapin

Companies spend a fortune to overcome resistance to change, both externally in the form of marketing, and internally in the form of change management. But is this effort all founded on a serious misco…

February 10, 2019 | ByDavid Lapin

I recently commented on the HBR article by John Coleman “You Don’t Find Your Purpose – You Build It” saying that he confuses the idea of finding meaning with that of finding purpose. What are the diff…

February 10, 2019 | ByDavid Lapin

Few M&A initiatives deliver the anticipated value. Often, the reason is that they fail to carefully synthesize the purpose and values of each entity into something new and inspiring for the merged…

February 10, 2019 | ByDavid Lapin

Leadership Development Programs can dilute the impact of high-performing leaders and companies, and achieve little or even negative returns on investment. Businesses need to compete; they need to opti…

Strategy should adapt. Values should endure.
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