As organizations navigate the complexities of return-to-office mandates, they must consider that shifting individual values have changed the effectiveness of familiar communication tactics. Many profe…
It’s 3:00 PM on a Friday. One team member hasn’t delivered a critical milestone and is not picking up the phone. Another team member, managing a complex project, has just asked you to step…
High-performing teams—those quick to succeed together at complex tasks— are a requirement for succeeding in times of uncertainty. But the traditional idea of leaders sitting at the hub of the team, di…
Cynicism is a silent assassin of team morale. The all-too-familiar refrain, “I’ll believe it when I see it,” results in nodding heads during meetings but dragging feet when it’…
In our age of unparalleled technological efficiency, the absence of human touch is palpable. My arrival in the United States last week, despite being super-efficient, left me feeling uneasy. The once…
Each new year it has been easy for me to intuit where the world is headed. I have not always been right of course, but at least with a sense of heading, I can help my clients set a course of action an…
In the world of senior leadership, where decisions carry significant weight and stakes are high, it’s not uncommon to find ourselves entrenched in our own perspectives. We sometimes prioritize,…
Managers don’t really mean it when they say that people are their most valuable assets. If they did mean it, they wouldn’t reduce their workforce as soon as the going gets tough. Letting people go is…
Discernment, the innate human capacity to distinguish between good and bad, true and false, right and wrong, beautiful and ugly, is in decline. We have become increasingly reliant on data to form our…
In a world that often celebrates individual achievements and personal glory, humility stands out as an undervalued trait in leaders. Often misconstrued as weakness, meekness, or a lack of ambition, hu…
Breaking out of Intellectual Echo-chambers In our increasingly polarized world, maintaining relationships with people who hold opposing views from our own is challenging. Whether it’s a close fa…
Last week, we delved into the interplay between data and intuition within the realm of decision-making. However, it is essential to discern that when we invoke the concept of intuition, we are referri…
Fostering trust is paramount for leaders and team members alike. Whether working with employees we manage or peers we must collaborate with, when trust is high, the time to results is quicker. When tr…
I often wonder how many brilliant ideas have been stifled due to a lack of data. When an idea is inherently true and correct, data serves merely as an adjunct, and its absence should not diminish the…
Like most things in business and life, silos are neither wholly good nor bad. They enable focus and expertise but can hinder collaboration. This article explores the art of balancing silos and connect…
My clients are global, but I live in Israel where we are going through difficult times. I have been moved by so many of you who’ve reached out to check on us and encourage us. Thank you from the…
As leaders, we are faced with the profound challenge of maintaining an image that projects authority and confidence while also wanting to show up authentically and act in alignment with our values. Ye…
Imagine walking into a library with books randomly strewn on a table waiting for sorting. You pick up a book, say Harry Potter, and begin to read a few paragraphs. Then you close it and randomly pick…
You remember the 1970s catchphrase from Eric Segal’s Love Story, “Love means not ever having to say you’re sorry?” Well, like many catchphrases, it happens to be wrong. We’re humans. We mess up. When…
Under the surface of every team are the values driving each individual’s behavior. Rarely discussed, sometimes not even known to the individual, these values influence triggers, alliances, and ultimat…
In my last issue of “Lead in the Moment,” I showed how managing for agility necessitates steering clear of nurturing fragility.A striking example of the counterproductive approach of foste…
The Agile Challenge “Agile” is a relatively recent buzzword in the consulting world. In October 2020, McKinsey conducted a survey of over 2,000 companies to understand their efforts to bec…
Embracing Imperfection in a World of Synthetic Perfection At a gemstone fair in Munich years ago, I was on a mission to find the perfect emerald for my wife. I’d just wrapped up my pearl trade b…
Welcome to this second edition of Lead in the Moment, a weekly newsletter where I share my experience, insights, and advice for leaders in a complex, fast changing, and unpredictable world. Humans hav…
Lead in the Moment Welcome to the first edition of Lead in the Moment, a newsletter where I share my experience gained from more than thirty years of developing, coaching, and advising leaders around…
Thirty years ago, Lapin International embarked on a journey to unlock human energy and economic value for companies by helping them discover their purpose and align with it. At that time, our concept…
I invite you to think about a recent interaction when you felt inspired by an individual or group. What resonated with or shifted inside of you? What emerged, as a result? That experience is the influ…